Do or Die

JMD Alfano
12 min readAug 30, 2020


by JMD Alfano

What President Trump must do to save the Nation. There isn’t much time.

INSIDE: A reasonable line of deduction from here to there, featuring …

Suspension of Habeas Corpus

ARTICLE I, SECTION 9, CLAUSE 2 The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.

18 U.S. Code § 2381. Treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

18 U.S. Code § 2383. Rebellion or Insurrection

‘Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.’

Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.

Recently, a popular twitter personality asked the question, ‘Does Fauci own stock or ownership in Covid vaccines? Part-owner of Wuhan Lab?’ to which I replied, ‘Fauci is co-owner of 4 separate HIV patents, all of which ended up in COVID19 (the spike protein gets the most attention). The insertions were confirmed by the co-discoverer of the AIDS virus, French scientist Dr. Luc Montaigner, who called it ‘lab-made.’ As a statement of fact, my response is loose enough to fit a single twitter post and tight enough to provoke further examination. Anyway, it garnered a fair amount of response. Surprisingly, few knew about the virus insertions, which is extraordinary since the information and the serious questions it poses is or was available online (imagine having to add this caveat — is/was — to everything now, in reference to Internet censorship) until recently.

But getting to the bottom of it, so to speak, is not exactly the driving objective of those of us who use social media, I’ve learned. For most, it’s something else entirely. In some ways, it’s a celebration of the ‘we’ spirit, and in other ways, it’s just a weird, slightly familiar chorus of background noise that gives rise and access to feelings shared by others. The nose of the object is blunt, not sharp. And as we’ve seen thus far, for as much as Jack and his army of faceless, factless, brownshirts fear the ability of Twitter to radically propel the Right over the Left and stop America’s overthrow, it remains a popular, though relatively feeble instrument of war.

Why is that?

  1. It doesn’t go anywhere. All SM is meant to perpetuate itself. For Twitter to work anything like a rallying tool (for us to do on land what we seem very capable of doing on water) we must do more than simply comment. Twitter’s censorship and disruption of service won’t allow it.
  2. Conservatives are civilized. Well, not always. But Cons are rule followers the way Dems and their pirate hordes are not. We hesitate, waiting for our ‘heroes’ to do something, while they tread fearlessly on our bought-with-blood freedoms, without permission or consent.
  3. Trump is boxed in. We all are. Why is the Commander-in-Chief kvetching endlessly on Twitter? He embraces our deepest concerns, yet seems to color inside the same lines that keep him and all of us in bondage.
  4. We’re over-fluoridated. Chronic consumption of dulling comforts weakens a willing spirit. Beyond sharing our common outrage of the Left, most of us are too frazzled and disconnected (ironically) to make practical sense of our life in the breach and what to do about it.
  5. Default. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts — unless the sum resists consolidation into the whole so as to keep people at a safe distance, which is exactly what most of us are doing now.

Speaking of war: Whether or not to call what’s happening right now at the very least hostilities crafted by the Left pursuant to regime change and the forced implosion of life as we know it is staggeringly absurd. I mean — of course it’s war — and no less a mortal threat to the battered remains of Liberty than bombs and bullets are. The difference is tactical (this cancer spreads internally), yet similarly crushing in aim. The sustained wave of attack is being perpetrated, not by some axis of foreign invaders bunching our shores, but by enemies within who are turning the plowshares of elected and administrative powers into weapons pointed at all of us who gave them their power, and our trust, in the first place.

What I’m saying is, that unlike all who have gone before us, we stand on home soil as passive witnesses to the public Execution of the American Way, experienced as a sort of Disney ride through the swampy mire of a metastasizing tyranny that is hijacking the Republic in unexpected loops & turns, dashing us all against the rocks.

And the best we can do is post our feelings about it? We’ll have to do better than that, and soon, if we hope to see another Independence Day.

Pick the scab: If Coronavirus was Franken-crispr’d to spread the virus quickly, and more effectively, and remain in circulation longer (and as stated at the top there is good reason to believe it was lab-tweaked*), then beyond the horror associated with a diabolical agenda that perpetuates mass murder in service of a global cause to enslave the planet, how can we possibly trust that the people behind the vaccines with their incestuous, self-reciprocating ties to FDA, CDC and NIH mavens (like Fauci), and of course the Gates Foundation, have anything like your best interests in mind? (You know by now that vaccines are notoriously unsafe, and a great delivery system for compound toxins and secret genetic alterations, for which the Gates Foundation excels). In reality, it all sets up like something copped from a terrorist’s playbook: the primary explosion (COVID release) draws in first-responders and good samaritans in time for a second, more devastating blast to follow (Vaccines).

[* Cut and Paste or ‘click’ to read, it is just one account of many: ]

And then there is Hydroxychloroquine.

Put simply, if this medicine is controversial to you, then you’ve been watching and reading the wrong news. HCQ is simply the shit, as they say — with a halo. It’s nothing less than providential manna from heaven meets spanner in the works thrown by the good angels into the wheels of the Dark Lord’s plans that no one saw coming. Indeed, Hydroxychloroquine’s arrival t-boned the narrative, throwing everything CV19 represents — from cause to effect — in the bin. And what did our faithful overseers do? Did they cheer? No, they counter-punched, crawling all over each other to shout down HCQ, ruin its sterling reputation, and cancel the drug’s access, when this humble treatment is the closest thing we have and may ever find to a COVID cure.

Then we have the riots started in response to George Floyd, a made-for-TV pandemonium where Blue State traitors douse the fire of pseudo-outrage with gasoline to insinuate a popular uprising, whose coordinators are paid Soros shills. Social Media, meantime, heavily censors Conservative speech, while the MSM frames Democrat lies as truth to a big chunk of the populace. On top of this, the enemies of God, man, and everything sacred have telegraphed their decision to force a Biden victory by voter fraud, and/or otherwise reject a Trump win under any circumstances.

Now ask yourself, after all you’ve seen and been through since 2020 began, do we really need an ongoing compendium of proofs to convince us that the pressured attack against the civic foundation of all we hold dear is anything but an inside job? Hardly (by now we are all convinced up the wazoo, or should be). The real question is, Are we finally ready to accept the truth and do something about it?

Seeing the Left from here as psychologically unhinged is inescapable, responsible viewing. It comes with the territory. Those in charge of this mess are running out of options, and have everything to lose. Should Trump sail to indisputable victory in November, everyone involved in what amounts to a vast, Treasonous take-down of America will see rope or jail. It’s plain as day as the fires at night that Dem stalwarts up and down the conspiratorial ladder are corrupt beyond recovery, and have earned fate’s cross-hairs for their troubles, and ours. Which is why the moment impeachment ended, and Obamagate began, the Elites quickly shifted from politics to the insurgency, using every means of illicit sway and thuggery to turn attention off them, and onto the Plandemic, for which our compliance and surrender paralyzes us, and buys them more time.

In summary, then, as I see it:

The prime objective of those who hate us cannot result in anything less than a man-made catastrophe that so obliterates any recognizable freedom, polity, unity, and sovereignty, that only they — as usurpers, as conquerors — can save us. Of course, the truth is they have no intention of ever fixing anything or helping anyone, but themselves. Like China’s ruling class, the Left’s sole intention is to climb up and remain perched beyond the reach of the law and justice to enjoy endless riches and power while subjugating the rest of us to the boot-heel of their hideous indiscretions and relentless crimes forever.

But these children of the Devil won’t stop there. In all fairness to our fragile psyches, we can’t begin to imagine what’s coming (it will go beyond brutal in direct correlation to the weight of sins committed, and the need to remove all opposing history, corresponding powers of opposition, and witnesses). What we can do is imagine how to stop them.

The role of the Commander-in-Chief is fluid. It has to be. Swinging from policy to crisis is native to the role. Presidents understand this. Lincoln jailed something like 14,000 political prisoners and 300 newspapers during the Civil War, suspending by Executive writ Habeas Corpus in doing so. What he did, he did for the simple reason that he couldn’t govern the nation during the bloodiest of American conflicts while also fighting additional internecine warfare. If it looked bad optically at the time, few could fault him for his decision (which didn’t bother him a bit, by the way) given what was at stake. No one who looks back on that decision now can seriously suggest he did the wrong thing, especially considering the handy-work of Confederate sympathizer John Wilkes Booth.

Trump, by comparison, doesn’t seem to get the overall scale of the threat he’s facing. Lincoln knew that without victory there would be no United States of America. He drew a line in the sand, stood his ground, and died for what he believed in. Trump, instead, takes to Twitter.

Reasonable minds old enough to have watched the great PBS/Ken Burns opus The Civil War know the lesson that every effort must be taken to avoid war, though war at times is tragically necessary or at least unavoidable, as it was between the States.

Today, the Left’s efforts to torpedo the Republic are ruthlessly intentional. Every step is calibrated to take ground, undermine authority, and spark new offensives against freedom’s binding essentials, culminating in the collapse of Government, citizen rights, and as already demonstrated (the economy, food shortages), our very means of survival. The result of this pernicious rebellion frames two artificial impressions: 1) The Left’s denial of grinding usurpation as nothing more than politics in motion; and (2) the Right’s confoundment in treating what is clearly a live coup as election theater (hence, why appropriate orders needed to stave off the unthinkable remain holstered, and resistance is limited to social media).

But this isn’t theater any more than Booth’s murderous charade was. No, this is as real as it gets. Actions are desperately needed, and not just any kind. Trump must flip the switch and script putting America on a war footing — NOW. He must overcome the real pathogen with enough dominant force to defend the American Constitution outright, and at any cost, for the life & death struggle it is.

Suspension of Habeas Corpus

in relation to combating 18 U.S. Code § 2381. Treason and 18 U.S. Code § 2383. Rebellion or Insurrection

Being distant enough from the forest to the trees, it’s easy to point out the obvious regarding what must be done to save America in the few weeks remaining leading up to the election. I’ll lay it out the way I would if I were standing in front of the War Cabinet at a whiteboard.

1) Habeas Corpus.

This is a time of proper Rebellion & Insurrection against the authority of the United States: a new Revolutionary War. Like Lincoln before him, President Trump MUST channel Constitutional powers vested in him at his disposal to defend the country against these mad belligerents. The first step likely seems to suspend Habeas Corpus.

Suspension of Habeas Corpus temporarily vacates the rights of suspected enemies-of-the-state who are herded into custody (indefinite detention, without trial or indictment), and should help to scuttle their plans and operations in relatively short order (though the suspension of HC is ostensibly passed by Congress, Trump can follow Lincoln’s example and simply declare it done with a note, as quoted below).

‘In July 1861, Lincoln sent a message to Congress in which he justified his action, and went on to ignore [opposition], allowing the suspension of habeas corpus to continue throughout the remainder of the Civil War.’

Next, (2) Trump must address the nation — but not before initiating a pre-emptive strike against the Coup plotters and their associates pending Federal charges as they relate to Sedition, Rebellion, and Treason. Beginning with the (3) Coup Architects and Funders, such as Soros and his Open Society comrades and globalist cohorts (including Fauci, Gates and friends), the sweep must extend to those directly involved in (4) Treason — the Obamagaters — starting with the Clintons (at the center of everything evil), Obamas, Comey, Brennan, Clapper and the rest of their co-conspirators whose numbers must by now fill a pile of foolscap.

Moving on, we’ll need to pinch the (5) Deep State apparatchiks used to cloak evils and administer plot details, and collar (6) Key State Insurrectionists such as Dem Governors, Mayors and other low-level but equally reprehensible fixers who all together form the backbone of State rebellion.

Of course, being thorough wouldn’t be complete without nabbing the likes of (7) Corrupt Federal Lawmakers such as Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer and any and all provocateurs from both Houses who must be neutralized for waging lawfare to spread falsehoods, punish opponents, impede investigations into disturbing allegations involving high-ranking Dems (Ukrainian muckery), and fraudulently impeach a sitting President. And no, we can’t forget the massive cancer that is the (8) DNC and Perkins Coie, nor the (9) ShadowGate Government and their BigTech/MSM partners who are indelibly linked to every facet of Fake News and Censorship that is a First Amendment pox upon every American.

And yes, we can and must go further. ShadowGate data-flow capture must be cut off and outlawed immediately, and all servers wiped clean of archived personal data belonging to US citizens; as well, BigTech/MSM must agree to a forced reset in accordance with 1A laws that feature a return to ‘Fairness Doctrine’ principles that prohibit unlawful bias and censorship.

And, finally, we mustn’t forget that it’s okay to err on the side of judgment, as Lincoln did, in view of the bigger picture. A broad net cast into the depths will always return unwanted fish, but at a small cost compared to the hell facing over 300-million people should our enemies be allowed to continue to prosecute their revolution unmolested.

War is upon us. It’s long past time that the few must be held accountable to the many. And something else to consider: If pressing actions are not taken to overthrow the overthrowers with urgency and prejudice, there is reasonable suspicion to believe

that these same enemies of freedom will intervene in the election, seize control of power, and weaponize Habeas Corpus in their efforts to remove Constitutional limits, laws, and safeguards, along with everyone who stands in their way.

I’ll leave off here with a thought and a word. First my thought. The problems associated with corruption in America giving rise to evil’s blossom at this particular time was inevitable, given what unchecked power, money, and deception — greed — coalesce in to. Undoing it is a moral obligation, but empire is a funny thing, and much of it is theatre. What is at stake here cannot be downplayed. The line between past and future, and perhaps even life and death, may indeed be more fragile than we know.

And now from the Old Testament prophet Amos: Thinking to defer the evil day, you are hastening the reign of violence. | Amos 6:3

Translation, Mr. President, Sir: It’s do or die time.


